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The kindergarten class is a setting where children explore the realm of "Jewish time,” Jewish values, and the Hebrew language through activity centers--art, games, drama, stories, music, yoga, and cooking, organized around a theme of the day. Class begins with an opening ritual, before the students begin to rotate through their activity stations. Mid-morning, there is an oneg and a snack of Challah. The last rotation of the morning is reserved for school-wide Tefillah (prayer), where our students are often joined by their parents. Parents and grandparents participate weekly in our lessons through a Mystery Reader program, where they read a story to the children, based on the theme of the day. It is a great surprise for our students and an excellent way to build community. The kindergarten class is designed to be interactive, hands-on, and fun. We want our students to feel welcome and cared for and excited about Jewish learning and friends. Once throughout the year, our kindergarten and first grade families participate in family education held on a Sunday morning, and our kindergarten students help to lead services at one of the First Friday Tot Shabbat Services.

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Mon, May 20 2024 12 Iyar 5784